Since 1989, Tanz im August by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, continues to present innovative choreographers from around the globe. This year, 18 productions and 46 related events coalesce around the theme of migration, humanism, ecology and movement in time, where Ricardo Carmona, artistic director of the festival, emphasizes on. We couldn't be more excited for the opportunity to visit and experience one of the premiere performances by KOR'SIA, a Madrid based collective. The performance MONT VENTOUX was electrifying. Dancers Benoît Couchot, Angela Dematte, Samuel Dilkes, Emilie Leriche, Helena Olmedo, Andrew Scott, Dovydas Strimaitis, Ana Van Tendeloo and Edoardo Brovardi, owned the stage throughout the performance. Two of the standout features were the set design by Amber Vandenhoeck and the music by Alejandro Da Rocha, that got our full interested attention. Flawless yet raw, and undoubted synchronized with all elements of sound and body movement, MONT VENTOUX reminded us of the fast paced environment we are trapped into and the constant curiosity and eagerness for simplicity found in nature and human emotion. The directors and choreographers Antoni0 de Rosa and Mattia Russo share their thoughts with us shortly after their visit in Berlin.

Performance visit for EXIT Magazine © 2024 


Tell us about your journey and process of creation of this incredible performance named MONT VENTOUX

For us at KOR'SIA, the creation of this show has been a deeply engaging and introspective journey. Our creative process often begins with an exploration of human emotions and social tensions, blending classical references and contemporary themes. For this show, we focused on the delicate balance between memory, identity and the overwhelming speed of the modern world. We let these themes guide our choreographic choices, using movement to express the human desire to recover a sense of self, to recover the relationship that humans have with nature. Every element, from the staging to the soundtrack, was designed to invite the audience to this reflection. It was a journey that pushed boundaries, both our own and those of the traditional language of dance.


How was your overall experience presenting MONT VENTOUX in Berlin and participating in Tanz im August, one of the oldest festivals of contemporary dance in Berlin?

Presenting our work in Berlin, particularly at Tanz im August, was a significant milestone for us. Berlin is a city known for its rich cultural diversity and openness to experimentation, making it the perfect stage for this performance. The energy and curiosity of the Berlin audience, coupled with the prestige of the festival, created a powerful atmosphere. We felt an immense connection with the crowd, and it was incredibly rewarding to witness how our work resonated with such a diverse audience. Participating in a festival as renowned as Tanz im August reaffirmed our belief in the universality of dance as a form of communication, transcending language and borders. We are truly honored to have been part of such an influential platform for contemporary dance.


What should we expect next from KOR'SIA?

At KOR'SIA, we are always evolving, continuously seeking new creative landscapes to explore. Dance, as the purest expression of the human world—embracing tradition, society, and culture—captures the essence of our shared existence in a way no other art form can. Through experimental narratives, we challenge the boundaries of contemporary dance, pushing it into new and thought-provoking directions. Currently, we are preparing an exciting new production set to premiere in June 2025 in Madrid, and we can't wait to share it with you! Meanwhile, Mont Ventoux will continue its successful tour. Stay tuned—there's much more ahead!